Tuesday, March 4, 2014

40 Days of Blogging

When my little boy was born 4+ years ago this blog was about the best thing I could have invested in. It simply was an outlet to write my thoughts, document my dreams and journal about my new role as a mom. Now...years later I dream about having the time and making the disciplined decision to sit down and keep up with this priceless diary of our family's memories. Not an easy task.

The challenge: 40 days of blogging! 

That's right - I have NO IDEA if this is attainable, however each year at lent I try to change something in my life. Usually something that will bring me closer to God...in the past it's been running/exercising (I usually have great quiet time while on runs/exercising), reading the Bible EVERY single day, sacrificing something...Facebook, sweets, etc. This year...I'm doing a blog challenge. The way I view this blog is when I look back on things I've written or photos I've documented I am sooooo thankful for all God has done in my life. This blog has been part of my testimony. Even when I read of the trials we went through...God was so present and I'm able to see this on the other side of the trial.

So...even if it is simply one sentence, one picture, heck...even one word! I will do my best to blog for 40 days. I pray that God is glorified by my simple and grateful heart.

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