Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 10 - 40 Days of Blogging

A few of our favorite things...

It's fun to watch the different stages kids go through. What things they really get into and LOVE to do or watch or imitate. Here's a couple of my kiddos latest favorites! 

Makeup. Well, not so much just makeup...but anything that Mommy 'puts on'. Like lotion. Or hairspray. Or chapstick. Or hand sanitizer.! :)

Zay's favorite thing to do...make people laugh!!! I hear this from his teachers a lot too! He LOVES to make people happy. And he will make up jokes all day long...or just tell you the same joke over and over hoping that you will still laugh at it! :)

Baths! Some nights this girl will get down from the dinner table and go straight to the tub...she wants in, like NOW! ;)

Toy Story. Boy oh boy does this kid have a thing for Toy Story! Between his birthday and Christmas, he got a lot of the characters and it's pretty cute to watch him play with them just like Andy does in the movie. Cute, cute! :)

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