Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 7 - 40 Days of Blogging

Crazy Hair

This little girl. She's a fun one! I've been quickly realizing that I feel like I have a steep learning curve with little girl's hair! I mean, I know how to do my own hair. I know how to french braid and do a variety of other braids and hairstyles...but this WILD and 'fluffy-feathery' hair that my little lady has...I'm at a loss! Will cutting it make it easier to manage? Will it grow out of this silly looking stage? Any other Mama of girls out there that can help me out???

A rare moment when she actually will keep a bow in!

Ponytails seems to work well and she keeps them in...but they are a little wild looking to me! ;)

Another ponytail!

What happens after she pulls her ponytail out!

What happens after a bath!

After naptime...crazy-wild hair!


These might be my favorite option at the moment! 

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