Friday, May 11, 2012

National PKU Awareness Month

I recently joined the Iowa PKU Foundation board and although I'm not too involved yet, I have a feeling it will be a part of my life for the foreseeable future. On our conference call the other night I was reminded of what I had intended to do on our blog a long time ago.

To advocate. To support other families dealing with PKU. To be a friendly face to new moms who need to know everything will be okay. And to be an example of a family who has lived through it.

So, in honor of PKU Awareness Month, I finally got my "PKU Page" done! Maybe some of you have noticed tabs at the top of our of them reads"PKU". And now it finally has the links to specific blogposts I've done in the first few years of Zay's life relating to PKU. Looking back at some of those posts made me realize how painful unpredictable circumstances can be. Brings back feelings...happy ones, sad ones, and everything in between. My hope is that others can see that although our family isn't perfect - we've survived and thrived after learning of the genetic disorder that makes us unique.'s there. A little 'ol link that takes you back in time and shares our journey on discovering a little thing called PKU. Tell the world...Happy PKU Awareness Month! 

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