Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summertime Ready

A continued celebration of a good day...

Zay's first time at the fish hatchery. Now, I'm not a big fan of fish...I don't eat it, I can't recall ever having a pet fish that lived for any amount of time, but there is something so cool about visiting the fish hatchery. Particularly, with a little boy! 

They give you the fish food to throw into the water...and the fishies were well fed thanks to us the other day.

It's days like these when I really start getting excited for summer. While I was still working, I dreamed of staying home with Zay and those thoughts always centered around summertime. I love other seasons too, but there is just something about running through sprinklers, picnics at the park, spending an entire afternoon at the pool and well...visiting a fish hatchery I suppose.

Here's to hoping for a lot more summer days to be celebrated! Thanks for making my days so much fun, Zay! 

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love summer too!

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