Friday, May 4, 2012

Good Stuff

We've been spending a lot of mornings at home lately. And can I just say...I love it! Seems like many of our afternoons are tied up, mostly by looking at houses and more houses and even more houses. Still no luck in that category. But we've made the most of our mornings at home. Lots of play, a few walks, some PBS, and some baking. 

Mmm hmmm. Good stuff. 

The boy likes to laugh. And to wear balls on his shirts. He will consistently ask you for just one more hug or kiss. And roars when he gives big hugs...some people call them bear hugs, we've named this display of affection "roar hugs". And he gives the best ones. He will beg you to pick him up and hold him, but insists on being independent with climbing into his carseat, turning on lights, carrying laundry baskets, opening doors, throwing away trash and putting his dirty laundry into his hamper. And he asks his mommy to kiss boo-boos more than any child I've known. Love that. All of that. He's a keeper.

Sometimes we wear earmuffs in May? Don't you?

Chubby bare feet...those are some cutesy tootsies!

I woke Zay up from his nap early one day so he could help me bake cookies. I'm positive he loved me for it.

I've slowly learned how to not taste-test while baking with Zay. It's hard. I like cookie dough. Thankfully, never once has Zay even attempted to try food while we are making it. Good thing, since I like to bake goodies that sadly he can't have. Regardless, he's just plain grateful to get get to stir, slop and scoop whatever is in the bowl! Can't blame a mama on cutting a nap short for that kind of appreciation!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hi :) I just found your blog... it's great!! I like it... I'm wondering whether you could share this cookie recipe? I'm actually searching for a good one!

Have a great evening.
Katie xxx

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