Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Zay meets Santa

Well...Shane and I did intentionally have a discussion about what we were going to do with Santa. As in...what is the true meaning of Christmas, would we involve Santa in our celebration, would he bring presents, etc. Well...I guess we were a little unaware of what horrible parents we would be if we didn't "do the Santa thing". Just the mention of this topic really stirs people up!

So, we didn't really make a firm decision on the matter. And I think we do have at least another year before we have to figure it out, but we are in agreement that Santa will not be the main focus. We want to make it a priority that Christmas is about Jesus's birth. But I suppose we will let Isaiah meet Santa as well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have noticed this is a topic that stirs people up. We were at a dinner with people from our church and found out that we are the only ones who don't 'do Santa.' I was a little surprised. This year has been the hardest year so far because our guy is four and in school. He knows about Santa, we just don't get gifts from him. Good luck with your decision!

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