Saturday, August 27, 2011

Motherhood Is Application

A friend of mine posted a link to this article on her blog, and I couldn't help but pass it along!

The last couple days Zay has...
  1. Broken a jar of pickles all over the entire kitchen floor (of course, as we were supposed to be walking out the door)
  2. Developed a bad diaper rash that causes him to dance around and pull his diaper nearly off
  3. Took a chair over to our kitchen sink, climbed up, and spilled water all over the kitchen
  4. Constantly fed our dogs his time-consuming/expensive food, encouraging them to beg and steal food from him!
  5. Become completely picky - wanting only Daddy (most of the time), unless he wants Mommy, then he ONLY wants Mommy
  6. And the best one yet...discovered his favorite hangout place is in the bathroom...Ahem, playing IN the toilet!
My favorite part of the article:

This is a time to take the grace that God has extended to you, and feed your children with it. Apply what you believe about God’s mercy and kindness and long suffering towards us, and pour it out to them — in a form they can believe in.


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