Sunday, September 19, 2010

9 Month Notes

Well...another month has gone by!


This has been another eventful month for Zay! He continues to grow and learn and discover new things everyday!!

Some things that went on this past month...

-Zay is a expert crawler now! He has figured out how to go forward and now really understands he can go get his toys, the dogs, mommy and daddy. HOWEVER, he prefers to go get things he's not supposed to have!

-Along with crawling Zay is ALWAYS wanting to pull himself up on things. Seems like most of the time he is much happier standing than sitting!

-I mentioned that we were working on teaching Zay to clap...he's a great clapper now! Really gets excited when he's done something and cheers for himself. Very cute.

-Something Zay started to do very recently is give kisses. Nice wet open-mouthed kisses! Daddy worked with him on this and was the first to receive a KISS! Then, he proceeded to give everyone around a kiss except mommy. Even Bongo and Bailey both got kisses before mommy! I am so happy to say that today, Zay decided to give me a kiss...yea!!!

-Zay has really taken off eating finger foods. He's a pro at feeding himself, using perfect pincher grasp form! His favorites right now are pears and puffs.

-Zay continues to love reading and looking at books. He often gets prematurely excited about turning the pages!

-Sleep........we are doing better!! Yea!! We had a slight setback a couple weeks ago when Isaiah was sick, but otherwise there is no more bottle in the middle of the night. He wakes up once in a while and needs his pacifier, but otherwise is sleeping really well! We're soooooooo thankful for this milestone!! Hope it continues!

-Another random for this month - Zay will sit up and play in his crib in the mornings. It was really weird the first time we walked into his room and saw him sitting there waiting for us! I don't know what I'll do when he is STANDING in his crib waiting for us!

So we are on to another month...Zay's 9 month appointment was changed to this week, so I'll have to post his stats later. We also have another appointment in Iowa City this coming week, so we hope all goes well with that too!


1 comment:

Julie said...

Isaiah is growing so fast! He is a cutie :)

It's so funny how Carson is right ahead of Noah and Noah is right ahead of Isaiah! I always know what's coming next from Jennifer. I'm glad we can connect like this, we would never even know each other without internet.

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