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Thursday, December 31, 2015
My little architect in the making!!
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Wednesday, December 30, 2015
I seriously love this girl...and before bedtime giggles! :)
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Because everybody's doin it! ;) #2015bestnine
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Sunday, December 27, 2015
Today's entertainment...learning how to do jumping jacks and push-ups from Daddy!
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Friday, December 25, 2015
AND we totally got our digital engagement photos too!!! We look like BABIES!!!
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I received THE best Christmas present this year! The digital files from our wedding!!! It has been killing me not to have these for nearly 10 years! And being a wedding photographer myself I put such a high value on these!! I'm so grateful to have them now! :)
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Stockings from Santa!
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Thursday, December 24, 2015
Joy to the World, the Lord is come!! Sending love from our Christmas Eve Cuties!!!
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Merry Christmas Eve!! :)
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
We are all about spreading that Christmas cheer today!!! :)
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Let Christmas break begin...time for some baking with my little helpers this afternoon!! :)
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Monday, December 21, 2015
1 year ago and now...always our Christmas Puppy!!! :)
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A stop at #fuelartandespresso makes everyone happy!!
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Preschool Christmas program...a very merry good time!!! :)
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Sunday, December 20, 2015
It was a fun day!! :)
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Saturday, December 19, 2015
Photographed a wedding today...ran into some people I know!! :)
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Friday, December 18, 2015
We have received a few packages of Christmas goodies...but this one right here was the first PKU friendly one. And it was done with so much love! Thank you @jessiellowe and @lowejammie!
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Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Creating smiles since 2009! Love my joy-filled boy and so blessed to be his Mama!!! Happy 6th birthday, Zay!!
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Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Our PKU doctor sent us a picture from our talk with the UofI class last week! Love this...our whole family is in this fight for PKU together!!! :)
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Sunday, December 13, 2015
Zay's birthday week started today!! We had our traditional #adayforzay ...a whole day with just mom and dad!! Lunch, picking out his birthday present and then an entire afternoon of Legos! The perfect day in this little boy's world! #lovethiskid
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Saturday, December 12, 2015
Santa's helper's are out and about!! These two were super surprised to receive some fun gifts from their #elfontheshelf Jingle Jolly James...who has yet to make his appearance!! He's planning a grand entrance on Zay's birthday. And by grand, I mean he's showing up!! ;) #thankspapaandgrandma
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Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Where's Daddy???
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Zay and Ellie experienced their first college class! Our family was invited to speak to first year medical students at UofI yesterday. The whole family came and our PKU doctor joined us! I'm so thankful for each of those students that we spoke to...They will someday care for kids and patients just like Zay and Ellie!!! What a great experience! And let's just say, Zay was NOT shy... His exact words after he FINALLY had a chance to hold the microphone... "This is going to be a little awkward..." (And my heart begins to race as I have NO idea what is about to come out of his mouth!!!) "I really, really, really like Superhero Legos!". Phew...dodged an embarrassing bullet there! ;)
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Friday, December 4, 2015
Because... #fridayfamilyselfie is a real thing! Ellie wins for the best expressions, Zay wins for the the kick in the pic!
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@erinnhyde ...Zay was insisting that it was me on your Christmas card! Me: Does that look like me??? Zay: "Well, that's your hair!". Me: Yes, but does that look like my face? Zay: "YES.......". Me: Zay, that's Erin and Aaron. Zay: "Ohhhhh... And that's Annie!!!!!"
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Another photo from Magical Night...she looked like a little snowflake!! :)
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We made it to FRIDAY!!! Busy, busy week...but ending with a super fun Gingerbread Day in Zay's classroom! :)
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Thursday, December 3, 2015
This was seriously as sweet as it gets...tiny dancers on magical night!!
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I have been traveling most of the day, but I know so many of you have been sharing and donating and emailing and praying... Thank you all!! We are making people aware of PKU!! :) Praying that awareness leads to research... And research leads to a cure!! #pkuawareness
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