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Monday, August 31, 2015
#onemissionmonday ...did y'all change the world today??? @go_one_mission #whatsyourmission #thisshirtmatters #worldchanger
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Read to your babies.
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Friday, August 28, 2015
First week of kindergarten is in the books!! First week of #pku lunches at school too!!! This is all due to these two amazing ladies!!! Zay's teacher and school nurse have been incredible...they have gone above and beyond!! Zay gets to have lunch just like the other kids at school! This is a HUGE! I feel so blessed to have these two (and others) watching out for Zay! I sometimes feel like a burden because it is a lot of extra work and learning and remembering our special circumstances, but this first week makes me feel so hopeful for the rest of Zay's schooling years and Ellie that will be joining him in a few years! Thank you, Washington Elementary staff!!! The Austermans LOVE you! :)
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Thursday, August 27, 2015
She was playing so nice and quietly in her room...and that should have been my warning! She later comes out and proudly tells me "I gave Ashley a haircut, Mommy!!". Ummmm...I guess I'm happy she didn't give herself a haircut! We had a little chat about asking for permission to use the scissors! #keepingmeonmytoes
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Today's drop off went much better... Mama kept her act together and Zay high-fived his principal on the way in!! :)
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Soooo...I didn't cry on days 1 & 2, but day 3 it hit me hard!!! I reeeeeallly miss my Zay during the day!! Ellie says she does too! But we couldn't be more proud of this boy! #tomorrowwillbebetter #maybe ;)
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Monday, August 24, 2015
Things I learned on the first day of school... The car pickup line is intense!!! ;)
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I tried to get in a picture this morning... My husband smiles at me and says "this is real life, it's perfect". we have it, folks "real life"...which may or may not be interpreted as " no one is listening " ;)
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Ellie is just as excited as Zay for the first day of school... And quite disappointed that she's not going with him!
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First day of Kindergarten!!! :)
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Sunday, August 23, 2015
"Room is CLEAN, Mom!! ...not a single thing is on my floor!" He obviously didn't want to get in trouble for leaving his rocking chair out! ;)
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Friday, August 21, 2015
It was "Meet and Greet, Find Your Seat" today...this kid is ready for kindergarten on Monday!! :)
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Apparently this cool/rainy weather is making my kids suuuuper tired...both kids zonked out on the couches! This NEVER happens!!!!!
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Saturday, August 15, 2015
After 90° heat, fried food, and tired kids we were all still smiling!!! :) #winning
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We dominated (or maybe just survived) the #iowastatefair with the Hyde family today!!! @erinnhyde
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
After I took these photos I wish I would have taken a video instead! His toothbrush literally plays " I wanna rock and roll all night...and party every day!" This morning's jam session included an exceptional outfit and phenomenal dance moves!!
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Wednesday, August 12, 2015
We pulled out the ol' highchair for our dinner guests last night...someone else thought he'd try it out again. Look how 'little' my 'baby' is! ;) #theygrowupsofast
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015
We loved meeting our new #pku friend, Isaac tonight! Thanks for stopping by for dinner Vowell family!! :)
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Monday, August 10, 2015
Well what a lovely Monday it's been around here! Hope y'all are having a great start to your week! This print by @kerispeidel is from @go_one_mission! Isn't it lovely! ;) #onemissionmonday #purchasewithpurpose #wellarentyoulovely
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My little worker bees stacking up their formula!! #teamwork #pku
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A little sneak peek for the newlyweds! :) #lowesgethitched #jackeeaustermanphotography
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Saturday, August 8, 2015
Repost from @jessiellowe! :) #jackeeaustermanphotography
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Finished up photographing another #jackeeaustermanphotography wedding...AND now celebrating 11 years of dating this guy!!!! Nothing better than celebrating a day filled with love with a little more love! :)
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Great big congrats to these two!!! What a perfect day!! #backofcamera #lowesgethitched
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Friday, August 7, 2015
Bo...the neighborhood entertainment! Kids throw apples and he fetches them! ;)
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Zay finished up his "confident kindergarten" class this week...officially ready to start school in a couple weeks!!
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Taking grandma out for her bday!
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015
We are raising a little monarch caterpillar! These two are pretty fascinated... And it was even more exciting to find 6 more caterpillars when we were gathering food for our little pet!
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Monday, August 3, 2015
My girl and I are starting this week off STRONG!! And by strong I mean the coffee! ;) #onemissionmonday #whatsyourmission #thisshirtmatters
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Saturday, August 1, 2015
Landscaping today!!! Papa and the kids played in the dirt today!! ;)
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