We are getting close now! I'm almost 37 weeks...
We are down to having appointments every single week. Next one...tomorrow! Last week when I went I was pleasantly surprised to find out I've already started to dilate. Yea! Only about 1.5 cm, but still progress. My doctor told me that I could stay like this for weeks, but there is also the possibility that I could go into labor before my due date...only time will tell! We will find out tomorrow if anything more is happening...I'm not getting my hopes up...
We've had a a busy few weeks lately! Baby shower for Bug, Shane and I were in our friend's wedding, and our friend Bailey is starting to do photography and asked to take some maternity pictures of us! And I'm so glad we did!! I don't have all the pictures back yet, but she sent me a few so far.
First a few pics from the wedding...
Shane dancin with the beautiful bride!
Shane dancin with more girls :)
Starting to get a little late in the night for this prego mama...
And here is the sneak peak of the maternity pics...more to come...
My belly's bigger than yours!

Givin a little luv to bug...
In Bug's nursery...
Stay tuned for more updates...hopefully not so long in between posts next time. :)